Kempo, Karate, Tai Chi Chuan Programs in Novato, CA
Welcome to our school!
White Tiger offers classes 6 days per week.
NEW STUDENT INTRODUCTORY PROGRAM $119: Includes 2 one hour classes per week for 4 weeks, and first year of AAU liability insurance. Uniform required and available at the school.
- Is your child out of shape?
- Spending too much time on a screen?
- Does your child lack self confidence or have a short attention span?
- Is your child nervous or anxious about social situations after being home during the pandemic?
- Have they been bullied in the past or concerned about standing up for themselves with their peers?
How can White Tiger help my student?
White Tiger Kempo Karate Tai Chi Chuan programs:
- Improve FITNESS
- Improve FOCUS
White Tiger's focus is on teaching positive attitudes of practice such as: I can, do right, be patient, be respectful, and self defense only by encouraging this behavior in all classes. Students are instructed to listen, pay attention, and follow instructions and assignments in all our classes. This consistent and repeated practice reinforces self-confidence and discipline and strengthens student's mind, body and spirit.
What Is It Like to Study at Our Dojo?
For the Adults
Adult classes are a unique blend of physical workout and mental challenge. Students develop relaxation, coordination, and powerful, effective self-defense skills.
In our Kempo Karate classes, hard physical workouts are tempered by the subtle, refined techniques of the cultural arts. The senses are honed in a way not possible by mere sports–martial arts are mental tactics, which will help in all aspects of life. Confident, disciplined, happier people are always more successful than those lacking these qualities. Authentic, traditional martial arts are fertile grounds for this type of development.
In our Tai Chi Chuan classes, slow, smooth and soft movement will help students of all ages and levels of fitness to improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Learn to relax the body, clear the mind and calm the spirit to improve fitness and health with this 1500 year old study.
For the Kids 7 years and older

Instructor, Mr. Genzo presenting Blue belts to 2 students at our school.
Kids have their own special classes at our dojo. Classes are taught with the appropriate mixture of martial arts and martial exercises for each group. The teachers (Sensei) at our school motivate kids through their own special mixture of discipline, humor, and positive examples.
Physical skills, which are so important in the development of a child, are learned in a fun (but serious), comprehensive, and structured way. A positive by-product of the training received at our dojo is children learn skills that will help them excel at sports and other physical activities for the rest of their lives. They will develop the confidence, discipline, respect, and self-esteem that will help them succeed in life as adults.
Class Guidelines, Schedule and Rates
Class Guidelines
Students may attend any or all classes for which they are qualified, but they must assume the responsibility for retaining the information covered in those classes. Students in the dojo at the beginning of class are expected to participate in the class or quietly take a time out and if they change their mind they may return to the class and follow the instructors guidance.
Courtesy in maintaining a learning environment is appreciated. Some classes focus on specialized skills. Detailed information on scheduling is available at the dojo. Discipline the mind, body, and spirit.
2021 Monthly Rates
1x Week – $80.00 per Month – $216.00 per 3 Months
2x Week – $140.00 per Month – $378.00 per 3 Months
3x Week – $160.00 per Month – $432.00 per 3 Months
4x Week – $180.00 per Month – $486.00 per 3 Months
Unlimited x Week – $195.00 per Month – $526.00 per 3 Months
2021 Family Rates
1x Week – $75.00 per Month – $202.50 per 3 Months
2x Week – $135.00 per Month – $364.50 per 3 Months
3x Week – $145.00 per Month – $391.50 per 3 Months
4x Week – $170.00 per Month – $459.00 per 3 Months
Unlimited x Week – $180.00 per Month – $486.00 per 3 Months
White Tiger Parent’s Guide
As your child begins his or her study with us, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the expectations for our students/parents. We also want to share some of the unique attributes that have defined our school for more than 30 years. At our dojo, our curriculum follows a clearly-defined 12-month cycle of progression that is repeated each year to help ensure student progress and mastery of the material. This cycle includes quarterly tournaments, weekly class rotations, testing for rank advancement, and orientations at each belt level. As students advance through the belt ranks, there is progressively more advanced material and higher standards. This helps students to grow as martial artists and develop life skills that will aid them in their lives outside the dojo.
As a parent, one of the best things you can do to support your child, is to encourage them to attend as many classes as possible to meet the challenges of their level. In order for students to progress, they will need to learn to become responsible and accountable for their class attendance. This is a topic that is best discussed before the child’s first class.
We hold our students to a high standard of discipline and commitment. Your child will come home sweaty, tired, and often sore from a good workout. The physical conditioning of students is worked on in every class and the students are expected to put forth their best effort. As the students advance in rank, they will take on more responsibility, in the dojo.
Our dojo follows the patterns and traditions of family, community, and self-defense. At our quarterly tournaments, we ask for parents to volunteer for various assignments, including helping to check students in when they arrive and to assist with score keeping during the competition. This is a great time to learn more about the martial arts and provides an opportunity for further involvement as you watch your child perform and present what they have learned in class. Our curriculum is a group study; you can’t learn self-defense by yourself. You need many practice partners and an experienced black-belt leader to create the conditions of a positive, supportive learning environment.
As your child begins their study at our dojo, they become a part of the WHITE TIGER family. We celebrate family at our annual picnic and potluck. Your entire family is welcome and the events provide a fun way for the parents, students, and instructors to get better acquainted with each other. Our quarterly movie nights give the students a chance to socialize “off the mat” and give parents a night to themselves (siblings and friends are welcome). A strong sense of family and community has always been a part of the WHITE TIGER way.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask any of our staff or Mrs. Ito behind the front desk.
Contact us to speak to one of our helpful instructors or staff members about the different Kempo, Karate and Tai Chi Chuan classes we offer. We look forward to showing students from across the Novato, California, area the benefits of these studies that improve fitness, focus, self-discipline and self confidence.